I waited this moment for a loooooooooong time since February, and FINALLY, I HAVE JUST WATCHED TWILIIIIIIIIIGHT!
Well, maybe now you'll ask me : How was the movie?
Um, it's good actually, although i wasn't hyperventilating like Acchan did (read her post after she watched Twilight), or annoy my friends with a scream like "EDWARD GANTENG BANGET!" like Miss Wina did, because i don't really like the storyline, it was kinda boring, and the movie effects are kinda lame, i could see that all of the casts wearing brown contact lenses in some close up scenes. (i know this is not important, but hey, you know me, i'm weird!) The book is soooo much better than the movie, but i admit that the casts are perfect, especially Edward. He described as having this hard jaw, pale face, and really muscular structure, and Robert Pattinson was perfect for this part :D Even though i said that the storyline and the effect isn't excellent, still, i like the baseball part, gosh, i wish i could run like that :p Oh well, you've read my review about this movie, but hey, don't be mad at me if you really like the movie, it's just my opinion, tee hee! Cheers everyone, have some love.
Well, maybe now you'll ask me : How was the movie?
Um, it's good actually, although i wasn't hyperventilating like Acchan did (read her post after she watched Twilight), or annoy my friends with a scream like "EDWARD GANTENG BANGET!" like Miss Wina did, because i don't really like the storyline, it was kinda boring, and the movie effects are kinda lame, i could see that all of the casts wearing brown contact lenses in some close up scenes. (i know this is not important, but hey, you know me, i'm weird!) The book is soooo much better than the movie, but i admit that the casts are perfect, especially Edward. He described as having this hard jaw, pale face, and really muscular structure, and Robert Pattinson was perfect for this part :D Even though i said that the storyline and the effect isn't excellent, still, i like the baseball part, gosh, i wish i could run like that :p Oh well, you've read my review about this movie, but hey, don't be mad at me if you really like the movie, it's just my opinion, tee hee! Cheers everyone, have some love.
who doesn't like twilight, btw?
haha you're right, kepingin ceritanya lebih greget aja sih sebenernya :p
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